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#21 Post by Pun13 »

It was great to see everyone again and meet new people as well.

Carl, I see Tom really liked the Breakfast of champions. Nice indeed.


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Scary Terry
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#22 Post by Scary Terry »

I really enjoyed the show. I would've liked to have sold more of the resin I worked so hard to cast and package just in time to load it up and drive to St. Louis -- but I sold plenty of comics, mags, art and old styrene kits and toys from my collection. We could use a few more serious GK builders at the next one -- but all in all it was well attended (except for some slow times on Sunday), and I have no major gripes.

I loved seeing old pals from the kit scene -- meeting all sorts of new folks -- dealers, sculptors and collectors. Got a kick out of meeting the voice of the animated Catwoman, Adrienne Barbeau -- and the former Dell Comics Queen (seriously -- see her website) Dee Wallace Stone. Meeting Tura Satana was a real experience -- especially since I have a piece in the Tura-themed art show at the Tattoo Factory Gallery in Chicago opening on the 30th (and I won't be at that opening, darn it).

The after show bands were great! The Gear Grinders were a treat (surf guitar/punk) -- especially with the addition of the two Alleycat Revue burlesque dancers giving the show a little extra oomph! Ghoultown was a great live band experience -- and seeing Bill Hinzman in full zombie makeup dancing to their "Night of the Living Dead" was a hoot and a half. I have a little video of that which I suppose I should post somewhere.

I never got to any panels or movies -- as I was "stuck" behind my table -- but it looked like there was a full schedule of both. Wish I could've had a robot double to man my table while I hit some of those.

There were all sorts of great kits for sale and on display in the contest. I brought home a few new pieces -- mostly from trading. Also got an advance copy of the new book on Norman Saunders from the Illustration Magazine folks -- sweet!

After the show on Sunday I hit the BBQ joint next door with my old Batman Adventures collaborator and St. Louis resident Rick Burchett. Had a GREAT time catching up and comparing notes about our lives and work.

My hat's off to Dan and Barbara and all their staff for making this one heck of a first year show. Here's hoping it does become an annual event, and that next time some of the missing resin addicts will get with it and attend.

#23 Post by dschoemaker1 »

Due to work I was only able to attend on Saturday but I had a great time. A couple trips around the resin tables and back to the car left me considerably richer in resin. :)

The highlights of the weekend was two things.

First, both Dan and Barb made it a point to say "hello" and chat for a minute. I'm not a producer, a sculptor or even a very prolific painter. I'm just a hack who does this for a hobby. It doesn't get much more personal than these two taking the time to come over and chat for a minute when they are obviously stressed out and working hard to make sure everything was done right.

Second, was the Saul and Tom show. Saul was supposed to talk about metalics and essentially talked about EVERYTHING from washing your resin to how he handles work flow. They were both extremely personable and freely shared their knowledge and experience with the room. I don't know how long the discussion lasted, but it was well over the time alloted and Saul kept asking the group "anything else?" again and again to prompt questions that he and Tom would take a shot at (when they weren't taking pot shots at each other).

As for the finished resin. I have to admit that I thought about taking a piece but didn't because I've been intimidated by what I see here and in the magazines. Some of you guys are just too damn good. Next year I'll definately bring something, maybe the hunchback (?), because I wanted to see more of other peoples work and if I want that then I need to put some of mine on the table.

I REALLY appreciate EVERY ONE of the dealers who came to visit St. Louis. I did my best to make sure it was worth it and hope that you come back and make it bigger than ever in future years.

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