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Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 12:40 pm
by tay666
This was spurred to make this thread thanks to the most recent episode of Model Club TV.

I thought it might make for an interesting discussion.
What movies do you like?
This can be a top 10 list. This can be a guilty pleasure list. This can just be mentioning a movie you like, and why.

I don't really have a top 10 list, but I do have a lot of guilty pleasures. Those movie that when you stumble across them on TV you just have to stop and watch it. Armageddon, Kong : Skull Island, Serenity, Scott Pilgrim, Evolution, any of the Halloween movies, Magnificent Seven (the original), Conan the Barbarian, and Willie Wonka.

I think my favorite movie of all time though still has to be Heavy Metal.
I was 14 when it came out in 1981, which put me right in that movie's demographic. I remember how disappointed I was when I couldn't find it on VHS. When it did finally come out in 1996 I shelled out $35 for it at Suncoast Video.
I still watch it at least once a year.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 3:56 pm
by Buc Wheat
Princess Bride, Good Bad Ugly, Goonies, Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid,
The Thing (remake), King Kong (any of um), Rollerball, Predator,
Once Upon A Time in the West, any early Disney animated movies.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 4:07 pm
by Heavy Metal Spike
tay666 wrote: . . . Armageddon . . . Magnificent Seven (the original) . . . Conan the Barbarian . . .
  • Buc Wheat wrote: . . . Goonies . . . Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid . . . The Thing (remake) . . . Predator . . .
    • Love all of those - only 1 (maybe 2) would make my top 10 though - now which ones would those be? :-k :)
tay666 wrote: . . . I think my favorite . . . of all time though still has to be Heavy Metal . . .
    • Awwwww . . . shucks . . . thanks Trev - I'm quite fond of you too :nuts:


Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 5:03 pm
by Rocketeer
I compiled this list a couple years ago. As a little project, I rewatched all of them, one night at a time, and posted mini-reviews on Facebook.

Lost World, The 1925
General, The 1927
Maltese Falcon (1931) (Bebe Daniels, Dwight Frye) 1931
Most Dangerous Game, The 1932
King Kong 1933
Invisible Man, The 1933
Thin Man, The 1934
Cosmic Voyage 1936
High Flyers (Wheeler & Woolsey) 1937
Hound of the Baskervilles (1939) 1939
Stagecoach 1939
Mysterious Miss X, The 1939
Man Hunt 1941
Casablanca 1942
Life & Death of Colonel Blimp 1943
Lodger, The 1944
Matter of Life and Death, A 1946
Green for Danger 1946
Miracle on 34th Street 1947
Rocketship X-M 1950
Christmas Carol (Scrooge) 1951
Singin’ in the Rain 1952
Them! 1954
Hobson’s Choice 1954
Night of the Hunter 1955
Godzilla 1955
Night of the Demon 1957
Pair of Briefs, A 1962
Gorath 1962
Robinson Crusoe on Mars 1964
Quatermass and the Pit 1967
Support Your Local Sheriff 1969
Lady Snowblood 1973
Three Musketeers, The (1975) 1975
Road Warrior, The 1981
Rocketeer, The 1991
My Cousin Vinnie 1992
Sense & Sensibility 1995
Pride & Prejudice 1995
Gamera: Revenge of Iris 1999
Notting Hill 1999
Galaxy Quest 1999
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2002
Master & Commander 2003
Hellboy 2004
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day 2008
Iron Man 2008
Ex Machina 2014
Arrival 2016
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse 2018

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 5:19 pm
by Heavy Metal Spike
Rocketeer wrote:I compiled this list a couple years ago . . .
Great list! . . . and I love the way you put it in timeline order AND the idea of watching 1 a night after making the list.

Yeah - I think Night/Curse of the Demon (1957) would probably make my top 10 - DEFINITELY in my top 20.

Quite fond of this from your list too :arrow: My Cousin Vinnie (1992).


Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 2nd, 2022, 11:35 pm
by tay666
My Cousin Vinnie is another one of those that I stop and watch when I stumble on it.
I don't ever think about it, and when I see it on the listings it doesn't do anything for me. But if I see it on the TV, I have to sit down and watch.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 3rd, 2022, 12:27 am
by Tim Fortuna
Amongst some of that have already been listed I love The Wild Bunch, Big Red One, Inglorious Basterds, Bataan.
Guilty pleasures would be Disorganized Crime (c'mon, Ed Gwynne?) and Men At Work (Keith David killed it in that movie).

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 9th, 2022, 2:51 pm
by belrog999
Black Sunday (Barbara Steele), King Kong (original), The Great Race, Star Wars (yeah, I'm one of those), Lord of the Rings Trilogy ('cause it's hard to pick just one). Fiend Without A Face, Alien, Tombs of the Blind Dead, Susperia, Tombstone, The Wild Bunch, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Big Trouble In Little China, Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Trouble With Harry, The Dark Knight, Star Trek ll The Wrath Of Khan, Return Of The Living Dead, The Beyond, Let Sleeping Corpses Lie, Centurion, Gladiator, The Raven (Price & Karloff), The Time Machine (Pal), Metropolis, Dust Devil, The Haunting (original), Hamburger Hill, The Boys In Company C, A Bridge Too Far, The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, Forrest Gump, Jason & The Argonauts (Harryhausen), The Keep, Unforgiven (Clint) and many more

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 10th, 2022, 12:51 am
by tay666
belrog999 wrote:Big Trouble In Little China, Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Trouble With Harry, The Dark Knight, Star Trek ll The Wrath Of Khan,
Ooooo! Yeah.
The Trouble With Harry.
I never knew Hitchcock did comedy until I saw this on one of the pay channels back in the 80's. I was blown away by how comical the whole thing was.
And to this day, if I happen to stumble across it, I will watch it until the end.
It's very compelling that way.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 10th, 2022, 12:58 am
by Heavy Metal Spike
belrog999 wrote: . . . Star Wars (yeah, I'm one of those), Lord of the Rings Trilogy ('cause it's hard to pick just one) . . . Alien . . . Star Trek ll The Wrath Of Khan . . . The Time Machine . . . Jason & The Argonauts (Harryhausen) . . .

Yeah - there's some overlaps there to be sure 8) :D :thumb2:


Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 20th, 2022, 3:28 am
by barad_dur
Wow, so hard to pick , but here are some favorites

Dune (original and latest dune part one)
Blade runner (all the various original versions)
Blade runner 2049

The Hunger
Angel Heart
Jacobs ladder
Omen final conflict
Let me in
Christopher lee Dracula movies

Creature from the black lagoon
The day the earth stood still (original)
The thing (original and john carpenter version)
Alien, Aliens
Predator (original)
Terminator (original)
The fly (goldbloom version)
Conan (original)
Planet of the apes (original)
Star Trek wrath of kahn

Dragon slayer (best dragon ever!)
Dragons world

Good the bad and ugly , high plains drifter, Josey Wales
Godfather and godfather part 2
Reservoir dogs
Deathwish (original)

Apocalypse now
Fail safe

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 20th, 2022, 10:56 pm
by tay666
barad_dur wrote:
Good the bad and ugly , high plains drifter, Josey Wales
Now those are some classics.
I'd add the original Magnificent Seven.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 21st, 2022, 6:36 pm
by Rocketeer
tay666 wrote:....I'd add the original Magnificent Seven.
From a thread on the Straight Dope message board on scene-stealing in the Mag 7:

"Then there’s the scene where they are on their way to the village and cross a stream. Almost every one of the actors does some bit of business right in front of the camera as he passes, scooping a hatful of water, straightening a neckerchief, etc. It was one of the first scenes shot and in a commentary track, cinematographer Charles Lang said that during the scene that he and director John Sturges watched all that then looked at each other with mouths open. Finally he told Sturges, “It’s gonna be a lo-o-ong shoot.”

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 21st, 2022, 7:59 pm
Top 10
The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Night of the living dead
Repo man
The Great Escape
A Clockwork Orange
Evil Dead II
Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
The Thing

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 22nd, 2022, 3:49 am
by Scooke123
Easy Rider
2001 A Space Odessey
The Time Machine (Pal)
War of the Worlds (Pal)
The Blue Max
The Great Escape
Planet of the Apes (original)
Heavy Metal
Those magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines
Logan's Run
Wild in the Streets
When Worlds Collide
Star Trek II - Wrath of Khan
Batman (Keaton)
Day the Earth Stood Still (original)
Forrest Gump
Mr. Holland's Opus
Creature From the Black Lagoon
Last House on the Left (original)

Those I'll always stop and watch if I see they are on. Got a lot more I enjoy - just not in the top list.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 22nd, 2022, 11:06 pm
by tay666
I had forgotten all about Logan's Run.
Haven't seen that in decades.

Re: Movies you like

Posted: April 22nd, 2022, 11:41 pm
by Glusniffer
Way to many to list on this Friday night but Heavy Metal is also an all time fave and to that I have to add American Pop as far as animated, Same year as well.
And I never get tired of Raquel in the fur bikini in 1ml bc. :smokin:

Re: Movies you like

Posted: May 1st, 2022, 1:49 am
by Glusniffer
Every Which Way but Loose! Just a fun flick from back in the day! Never get tired of it. 8)

Re: Movies you like

Posted: May 1st, 2022, 2:28 am
by Heavy Metal Spike
Glusniffer wrote:Every Which Way but Loose! Just a fun flick from back in the day! Never get tired of it. 8)
Yep - agree 100% - that AND the sequel.


Re: Movies you like

Posted: May 3rd, 2022, 1:57 am
by Glusniffer
Heavy Metal Spike wrote:
Glusniffer wrote:Every Which Way but Loose! Just a fun flick from back in the day! Never get tired of it. 8)
Yep - agree 100% - that AND the sequel.

Any Which Way You Can. A worthy sequel! 8) " Why me lord? I mean.... Other men you made outa clay. Mine.... ya made outa sh t!" :rolf: