KB University Update

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KB University Update

#1 Post by Kitbuilders Magazine »

Welcome to the most comprehensive model-building seminar on the planet! Well, at least in the Mid-West anyways!

Kitbuilders Magazine is proud to announce the return of Kitbuilders University at KB’s Monstrous Weekend. What is Kitbuilders University you may ask? This intuitive classroom lecture was designed to teach the finest in airbrush art directed specifically at the figure modeler. Does that mean it’s solely aimed at figure modelers? No! Anyone that wants to add a whole new dimension to their artwork can learn from this class. We just happen to love figure kits. This, quite simply, is a “hands on” workshop to help students see and perform actual “hands on” painting techniques. There will be several of us airbrush junkies circling to help work out with any equipment malfunctions such as paint clogs, water spills, pizza stains and such.

Over the years of teaching various classes I learned the best way to conduct a lecture or demonstration is through “hands on” training. This ultimate creative workshop not only communicates fun instructional technique but it’s an environment that supplies the student with the various tools that this hobby demands. This allows the student to absorb as much painting techniques as possible using state of the art materials. When the day is over all the materials used by the student are theirs to put in a box and take home. These specific tools of the trade will be theirs to enjoy for years to come.

The one thing that seemed to bog down the process was the cost. The tools add up to a pretty hefty bill. Now keeping in mind, if I was to attend this class, I would want to keep the tools rather than have to run around and purchase them after the show. Now, how do I make this all possible? The key: Sponsors.
Many phone conversations have passed and many deals have been made. Actually, a soul or two have probably been traded in the process. Here, in our opinion is the best possible deal we can make.
Keep in mind, lunch will be on us! This will keep all students in the arena and keep their minds on the task at hand: Learning!
Here is what you get:

Kitbuilders University– Oct 24, 2008, 8:00am –5:00pm

Beginner’s Class:

Eight hours of personal instruction with the best paint slingers in this hobby. Here is a laundry list of items you use and will take home after the class is done:

Badger Sotar 20/20 Fine tip illustration airbrush

Thayer and Chandler T-909 Silent air compressor

1 Amy bust expertly sculpted by Joe Simon and provided by GEO metric Designs

Paints to be listed later!
(Haven’t painted the kit yet so it’s hard to make a list!)

Other supplies –
10/0 detail liner brush
10/0 Filbert brush
#2 Filbert brush
Testors’ Dull Cote
Future Floor Wax (for glossing)
1 Set of AVES Epoxy sculpt
Rubber gloves if require for you messy painter types!
Painter’s mask for those afraid of fumes
T-Shirt commemorating your journey, (or to clean up paint spills)!

Now for the price. This was a big contention and I feel that we have indeed whipped up the best deal possible. You still get to keep it all for only $350.00!! Everything that you use, you keep! After it was all totaled up, (trust me, the sponsors let me know), it totaled just over $1400.00! I know this is a substantial amount and times are hard enough but trust me folks, this is a deal you just can’t pass up. Heck, don’t want the airbrush or compressor? Sell them on E-Bay or to one of your buddies for $100-$200 and get your admission price back in full! They total over $900.00 alone!
This is a first come-first serve offering! We are currently taking enrollment and space is limited to just 25 students! Space will fill up fast so get your name on the list.
We have set up payment options for this class that will be available on our website at: http://www.kitbuildersmagazine.com this will secure your place in this historic event!

The Advance Painting Class
This class is designed for the moderate student who wants to learn the extra special techniques that the pros have taken years to learn and develop. Take your modeling skills to a new high with this 8-hour personal lecture.

Kitbuilders University– Oct 24, 8:00am –5:00pm (around)

Eight hours of personal instruction with the best paint slingers in this hobby. Here is a laundry list of items you use and will take home after the class is done:

1 Amy bust expertly sculpted by Joe Simon and provided by GEO metric Designs

Paints to be listed later!
(Haven’t painted the kit yet so it’s hard to make a list!)

Other supplies –
10/0 detail liner brush
10/0 Filbert brush
#2 Filbert brush
Testors’ Dull Cote
Future Floor Wax (for glossing)
1 Set of AVES Epoxy sculpt
Rubber gloves if require for you messy painter types!
Painter’s mask for those afraid of fumes
T-Shirt commemorating your journey, (or to clean up paint spills)!

For this class there are two requirements:
1. You must have at least been painting with an airbrush for a minimum of one year. (You will be given instructions at a more intense level, so you need to have some skills with your airbrush to be able to push it in the advanced class. There will be an instructor and several helpers on hand but we want you to be completely comfortable with your airbrush.)
2. You are required to bring your airbrush with you. We will be asking you to fill out a survey upon sign up that will inform us of which airbrush you will be bringing to the show. Once we get this information we will provide hook ups to the compressors for you. (Please bring only one type of airbrush.)

Now for the price. You get to keep all of the supplies provided for just $200.00. Everything that you use, you keep! Everything we come up with that may be required to complete your project and is at your station is yours to take home.

This is a first come-first serve offering! We are currently taking enrollment and space is limited to just 25 students! Space will fill up fast so get your name on the list.
We have set up payment options for this class that will be available by emailing us directly at: Kitbuildersmagazine@charter.net this will secure your place in this historic event!

The Sculpting Class
Painting not your cup of tea? Want to learn how to make your own masterpieces? Try throwing clay with the one and only Gabe Perna, one of the hottest set of hands to sculpt a jaw line! This 8-hour “hands on” guided lecture is sure to please even the seasoned sculptor. Learn the tips and tricks that the leading professionals would beat down the door for!

This being only the third class we do not have an exact list of all supplies just yet but, we will try to give you some general idea.

Kitbuilders University, Oct 24, 8:00am – 5:00pm (around)

Eight hours of personal instruction with Gabe Perna. Gabe will take you into the wonderful world of clay pushing. We are not sure exactly what Gabe will be having you sculpt but we are sure it will be an exciting 8 hours of pushing clay. Although we don’t fully expect everyone to finish we should see some pretty cool rough outs by the end of the day. Depending on how the weekend goes you might get pretty close to finishing him on your own! And of course there will be a place to show your work for the duration of the Wonderfest, right along side the painted versions.

Sculpting tools
Gloves, (in case your worried about getting clay under your nails!)
Mask, (if your into the doctor…doctor routine)
T-Shirt commemorating your journey, (or to clean up paint spills)!

Now for the price. You get to keep all of the supplies provided for $200.00. Everything that you use, you keep! Anything we come up with that may be required to complete your project and is at your station is yours to take home.

This is a first come-first serve offering! We are currently taking enrollment and space is limited to just 25 students per class! Space will fill up fast so get your name on the list.
We have set up payment options for this class that will be available by emailing us directly at: Kitbuildersmagazine@charter.net
This will secure your place in this historic event!
Dan and Barb Jorgensen
"It's Your Hobby, Keep It Fun"
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#2 Post by jbmidnight »

Outstanding. Already sent my payment and cant wait.
"We have to see. We have to know." Dr. Channard
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